Horus Guidelines

Your guide to Horus....

Horus Portfolio

• You should have been sent an activation email via Horus to enable you to access Horus Portfolio

• Enter username / password to login

Horus Advice

• Make a start on your Horus Portfolio now, don't leave it to the end!

• Be persistent; everybody can navigate around it

• Fill in all your personal information ie a photo is useful

• Please ensure your email address is up to date

• The Post Graduate Team can create accounts on Horus for new Clinical & Educational Supervisors if needed

• As well as Supervisor reports / SLE's/ PSA certificates / PDP / reflective bits is needed. More guidance can be found in **** section

• Sign the required 3 declarations and map this to the Curriculum

• Form R is required at the end of FY1. This must be completed 2 weeks before ARCP and include all paid, unpaid & any sickness

• Mid Year Review is required to check you are ok, and on track for completing FY1

• Horus Portfolio needs to be completed by the end of May, ready for ARCP in June

Timeline for things to be completed in each post

• Combined Education Supervisor & Clinical Supervisor induction Meetings or individual Education Supervisor & Clinical Supervisor induction meetings (1st Post)

• Clinical Supervisor & Education Supervisor end of placement report (1st post)

• A selection of SLE’s (maybe 2 of each in all 3posts )

• Individual Education Supervisor & Clinical Supervisor induction meetings (2nd post)

• Clinical Supervisor & Education Supervisor end of placement report (2nd post)

• Individual Education Supervisor & Clinical Supervisor induction meetings (3rd post)

• Clinical Supervisor end of placement report

• Education Supervisor end of Year Report (3rd post)

Timeline for things to be completed in the year

• Successfully completed TAB

• At least 1 PSG to be completed by your Clinical Supervisor

• At least 1 DCT needs to be completed

• 1 Audit or Quality Improvement

• You need to link to all 13 sections of Curriculum

• You need to write a summary narrative for all 3 HLO's

• Your ES needs to rate your Curriculum

• You need to complete your learning log you need 60 hours in total and at least 30 hours need to be core teaching

• You need to complete a form R at the end of May

• Variety of reflections

• A careers form

If you need any support please call the Medical Education office on 02476 968747 Ext 28747 , or email PGSupport@uhcw.nhs.uk.