GIC (Generic Instructor Course)

General information

The GIC Process

The GIC is not open to applications in the same way our other courses are.

Instead, our future Instructors are found when they’re candidates on our courses. Our Course Directors and Faculty identify Candidates who they feel would make excellent Instructors and recommend them as having Instructor potential (IP). Those Candidates then receive an email inviting them to book a place on a GIC course.

The GIC teaches the knowledge and skills required to:

  • understand the nature of teaching and learning;
  • understand the needs of individual learners;
  • understand the awareness of the four domains of learning;
  • undertake the various types of teaching sessions on the provider courses.

The GIC must be taken within four years of the date of the provider course.

Course structure and programme

This course consists of a day of e-learning followed by two days of face-to-face attendance, which will take place in a Resuscitation Council UK Course Centre.

All of our Course Centres are approved and certified by Resuscitation Council UK and ALSG. Courses are run by dedicated and qualified Instructors, guaranteeing that our courses are uniform and the content remains the same across our Course Centres.

Pre course preparation:

When Candidates are enrolled on a course, they will gain access to the GIC VLE [link to]. Before the course, Candidates will need to complete the e-learning modules before attending the two-day face-to-face course. The Course Centre will also provide teaching assignments, which Candidates will need to prepare ahead of the face-to-face element of the course.


Across the two day face-to-face sessions, Candidates will attend a lecture before taking part in practical sessions that cover the teaching modalities required to teach the provider courses. These include approaches to teaching skills acquisition, facilitating simulation, undertaking assessments and providing feedback to candidates.

After successful completion of the GIC, Candidates must teach on two provider courses as an Instructor Candidate (IC) within two years of the GIC in order to complete their training and receive their qualification.

Download the full programme

Assessment and certification:

Continuous assessment occurs throughout the GIC, and Candidates receive constructive feedback during the course from the faculty.

A full Instructor certificate is awarded after successful completion of a GIC and after teaching on two provider courses as an Instructor Candidate. Certified Instructors will also receive complementary Associate Membership [link to membership page] of Resuscitation Council UK, which provides a variety of benefits.

This course is recognised as continuing professional development (CPD) by the Medical, Dental and Nursing Royal Colleges and Health Care Professional Council. Please contact your registering body for further information.

UHCW NHS Trust Various dates in 2024

Various dates in 2024

Clinical Science Building (CSB) GIC Course
